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Multicoloured Lightbulb and Katana 4.0
Film & TV

Lighting in Katana 4.0: like nothing you’ve seen before

Find out why the future’s bright for lighting artists in this exclusive Q&A.

Artist Spotlight Header Victor Perez
Film & TV

Artist Spotlight: Victor Perez

One of the industry’s top compositing gurus offers an exclusive sneak peek into his amazing home studio.

Geometric Lighting in Visual Effects header
Film & TV

Lighting in visual effects: crafting CG cinematography

Merging the real and imagined to create something incredible.

VR header

A round-up of the latest in VR, AR and MR

Looking at what’s new in the virtual reality sphere.

Nuke ParticleBlinkScript node header
Film & TV

The path to Nuke 12.1’s ParticleBlinkScript node

Foundry’s ‘father of the particle system’ offers exclusive insight into the development of this fundamental feature.

Machine Learning for Artists Header
Machine learning

Machine learning for artists: the latest trends

Arm yourself with the latest machine learning tools.

Golden Monkey His Dark Materials
Film & TV

How Mari helped create the dæmons of His Dark Materials

Bringing fantasy to life with Framestore.

Cloud Service Model Header

Cloud service models and how they’re impacting the VFX industry

A dive into cloud service models and the future it presents for the industry.

Lighting in Video Games with 8-bit bulb
Film & TV

Leveling up by light: a look at lighting in video games

Illuminating the watts and whys of your favourite gaming franchises.

3D show design

Ellery Connell's game-changing journey to Modo

Ellery Connell, 20+ year 3D veteran, talks about his journey to Modo and why it’s his go-to tool for product development.

Freddy Chavez Olmos Header
Film & TV

Nuke Artist Spotlight: Freddy Chavez Olmos

Getting spooky with the creative mind behind Duérmete Niño.

Henry Cavill as The Witcher
Film & TV

Creating CG sorcery on Netflix’s The Witcher

Framestore makes magic with Nuke.
