
Explore the latest

Blue and red lights with face
Machine learning

Machine Learning: changing the game of Motion Capture

How machine learning is re-inventing motion capture.

Katana 3.5 USD
Film & TV

Katana 3.5 | Summary

Diving into the latest Katana release.

global Katana vision
Film & TV

Global Katana Vision

Catching up on all things Katana.

Abstract 3D imagery
Film & TV

Bringing you the tech of tomorrow for over 20 years

How Foundry has kept one eye on the future, so artists can keep both on being creative.

Nuke vfx software
Film & TV

How Outpost VFX uses Nuke for their episodic productions

We focus on See, featuring Jason Mamoa.

game of thrones dragon Drogon
Film & TV

The Nuke ecosystem. Your post-production powerhouse.

Empowering your team to work together to get pixel-perfect results, fast.

Abstract colorful imagery

Working Remotely with Foundry Tools

The ins and outs of On-Premise, Hybrid Cloud and Pure Cloud infrastructure.

3D abstract geometric shapes
Film & TV



Ford vs Ferrari
Film & TV

Foundry Live 2020 | Method Studios reveal how they created the VFX for Ford v Ferrari

Achieve the best quality results with Method.

Abstract 3D Model Woman
Real time

Here’s what the future of previsualization looks like

50% game, 50% tool, 100% cool: how Cine Tracer is powering up a new kind of previs.

Abstract imagery
Film & TV

Katana: empowering artists through years of innovation

Here's how Katana is transforming the look development and lighting industry, one feature at a time.

Escape Studios teaching Mari
Film & TV

How Escape Studios are Inspiring Students to Unleash their Ideas

Empowering a new generation of artists.