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How streaming has taken over our screens header
Film & TV

How streaming has taken over our screens

What SVOD means for the future of our content.

CG-rendered image of operators from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Film & TV

How DIGIC ramped up their CG efforts on Rainbow Six Siege trailer ‘The Playbook’

Crafting conflict with Nuke in this action-packed animation.

Essential Nuke features to automate your animation process
Film & TV

Essential Nuke features to automate your animation process

Tackle animation projects using Nuke’s automation features.

FMX Article Header
Film & TV

The top five trends from FMX 2021

Step into FMX’s virtual conference.

Characters from animated kid's show Remy & Boo
Film & TV

How these two studios tackled the pressures of animated streaming content with Nuke

Cyberpunk 2077 logo
Film & TV

Cyberpunk 2077: building Night City with Nuke

Jakub Knapik of CD PROJEKT RED talks us through his creative process in this exclusive Q&A.

animation breakdown
Film & TV

Discover Why Nuke Is Used In Animation

Boost your animation and CG pipelines with Nuke: the compositing tool of choice for studios across the globe!

Nuke in animation header
Film & TV

Creating an efficient animation pipeline for your studio

How Nuke streamlines animation workflows and helps artists create high-quality content.

Mank Header
Film & TV


Territory Studio による Nuke を使用した『Mank/マンク』 のリアプロジェクションシーン制作についてご紹介します。

HPA logo
Film & TV

Foundry at HPA: has the traditional VFX pipeline been disrupted for good?

How production pipelines are going global.

3D CG characters by animation lighter Matteo Caruso
Film & TV

アーティスト スポットライト: Matteo Caruso

「バーチャルな職人」に必要なものとは?シニアライティングアーティストのMatteo Caruso氏が、クリエイティビティをさらに進化させるためのヒントやコツ、ベスト・プラクティスを紹介します。

Foundry Live header
Film & TV

The hottest trends to come out of Foundry Live 2021

Giving you the lowdown on our biggest virtual event of the year so far.
