

What is Hiero?

Your go-to for powerful multi-shot management, conform, editorial and review workflows, Hiero has the same customisable timeline as Nuke Studio, without the compositing nodegraph. Packed with procedural power to accelerate your workflow, Hiero enables you to review timelines that can be dynamically created or procedurally conformed from your database by using the Python API. Use Hiero to generate Nuke scripts and gain greater creative control from start to final delivery on any animated or VFX-heavy project.


Full online-editing toolkit

With the same multi-track editorial timeline as Nuke Studio, Hiero’s intuitive editorial tools get the job done fast. With conforming tools and GPU-accelerated soft effects on the timeline, intelligent background rendering and fluid workflows, Hiero has everything you need to complete your project on time.

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Integration with the Nuke Family

Along with timeline sharing with Nuke Studio and HieroPlayer, Hiero offers seamless integration with the rest of the Nuke family for faster, more efficient teamwork. Generate and share Nuke scripts, efficiently review annotations, and compare and manage versions with ease.

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Flexible review tools

With real-time playback and numerous view options, blending modes and color sample tools, Hiero and HieroPlayer speed up review at any stage of a project. Hiero also offers SDI-broadcast monitor-out support, so you can check your work in context for faster, more efficient teamwork.

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The perfect fit for your pipeline

Hiero offers the same opportunities for customisation as Nuke, with support for major operating systems, a Python API and Pyside included, and BlinkScript for creating your own GPU-accelerated timeline effects.

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Sharing made simple
  • • Distribute data amongst teams quickly
  • • Efficiently export shot dailies for clients
  • • Use Frameserver to access unlimited resource
Unmatched timeline management
  • • Dynamically create or procedurally conform timelines from your database
  • • Enjoy quick edits and easy annotations
  • • Streamline workflows across sups, artists and teams
Easy, accessible editorial
  • • Finalize large projects fast, without sacrificing quality
  • • Use the Python API to customize your workflow
  • • Get robust color management via OpenColorIO
Review, wherever
  • • Remotely sync multiple sessions together
  • • Review and annotate footage collaboratively across multiple locations
  • • Includes access to live playback and viewer controls, soft effect parameters and toggling between versions

Buy $3,498* Rent $1,550/qtr*
  • 多轨道剪辑时间线
  • 一年期维护
  • 技术支持访问权
*Price subject to applicable taxes
Buy $242*
  • 桌面型审查工具
  • 一年期维护
  • 技术支持访问权
*Price subject to applicable taxes
Buy $12,478* Rent $3,023/qtr*
  • NukeX + Hiero 的剪辑时间线
  • 合成、整合、剪辑与审查
  • 2 套 Nuke Assist 授权(与维护配套)
  • 技术支持访问权
  • 一年期维护
*Price subject to applicable taxes

Explore other Nuke packages

Nuke Family

Nuke, NukeX, Nuke Studio, Hiero, HieroPlayer and Nuke Indie come together to create a formidable toolset, streamlining your pipeline and tackling high-end compositing, conform, VFX editorial and review.

Explore the Nuke family

VFX Editing and Management

Nuke Studio and Hiero form Foundry’s solution for VFX Editing and management. These power tools adapt to your needs, so you can conform, edit, review and manage multiple shots easily.

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Learn the same tools used by the best VFX artists in the industry, at 90% off the commercial prices and take advantage of our free student licenses.

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Nordisk Film Shortcut的视觉特效与流程技术指导:Mads Hagbarth Damsbo

一旦开始加以扩展,就如同在Nuke Studio内部直接创建自定义流程工具一样,很明显,除此之外,不再有其他选择了。

MPC 公司:Patricia Terol Tolsa

很难想象我们工作室如果没有Nuke Studio 将会怎样。因为它已经实现了超级整合,尤其是在广告方面,已经被广泛运用到从工作开始到结束的整个过程了。

VFX 总监:Rob Bannister

真可以说是统治所有的一环了。我可以进行编辑,也能将数据传递给团队的其他成员,一切都能保持在Nuke Studio中完成。 即使是单人创作的作品,也完成商业广告、剪辑或合成,基本上自己就能承担整个项目。

MPC 公司:Toya Drechsler

我很喜欢软件与我的艺术家们之间的紧密程度。同时,我也喜欢自己随时能从Nuke Studio跳转到Nuke,提供反馈,编写脚本,然后又切换回Nuke Studio。 我认为目前还没有其它软件,可以为我做到这一点。

  • Bluebolt are active users or Hiero in their pipeline
  • Zoic logo - Hiero users
  • Framestore logo -Hiero users
  • MPC Logo - Hiero users

Experience Hiero

Optimize your review workflow and experience greater collaboration across teams with Hiero and HieroPlayer today.


Start your free 30-day trial and you’ll gain unrestricted access to Hiero, plus essential learning materials and exclusive tips.

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Explore the Nuke Family

Take a look at the other products in the Nuke family and find the one that best suits your needs.

  • Powerful node-based compositing with an advanced set of tools that offer new levels of technical and creative control.

  • All the features of Nuke plus even more advanced tools so you can take your compositing to the next level.

  • Combining the power of NukeX and Hiero into one toolset for more streamlined multi-shot management, editorial, composting and review.

  • The ultimate node-based compositing toolset at an accessible price.

  • Desktop review tool allowing you to review shots in context and compare render versions quickly.