
Explore the latest

missing link Laika
Film & TV

Find out why studios around the world are using Katana

Free up time. Unlock creativity.

Dev and lighting trends 2020
Film & TV

Five look development and lighting trends to watch out for in 2020

From cloud rendering to USD: the hot topics set to shape your landscape next year

texturing at framestore
Film & TV

Unleashing your full potential as a texture artist

Framstore’s Head of Texturing, Michael Borhi, reveals the one skill you need to become a better texture artist.

Katana the viewer of the future yellow car
Film & TV

Foundry’s path to the viewer of the future

Get exclusive insight into Foundry’s advanced viewport technology, and the exciting advancements happening in Katana.

Jordan Thistlewood Siggraph 2019
Film & TV

SIGGRAPH 2019 | Unveiling the latest Katana News

Keeping up with the latest Katana news.

3D Spartan
Film & TV

从天文馆到前期制作:电影之外的 Nuke运用


What is 3D Design

什么是3D材质 ?

我们最近与创意专家Ellery Connell详谈了3D材质具体是什么,以及为什么它们将成为设计未来的关键。

Tor Frick

Tor Frick:设计无极限

Modo灵活的建模工具如何帮助领先的游戏美术师在他的初创工作室Neon Giant中,完美跟上严苛的制作计划表?

MPC BMW advert
Film & TV

SIGGRAPH 2019 | How MPC overcame their challenges in their latest BMW advert

Speeding up your creativity.

Dawn Fidrick from Griffith Observatory
Film & TV

SIGGRAPH 2019 | Find out how Griffith Observatory can help you explore the stars

A truly out-of-this-world experience.

Nick Boughen CG Masters
Film & TV

SIGGRAPH 2019 | Why the world needs better Lighting

Nick Boughen, CG Masters, on why it's as clear as day and night.

Susan Zwerman Siggraph 2019
Film & TV

SIGGRAPH 2019 | Discover the talent of VFX artists on the autism spectrum

Discover the movie magic behind some of your favourite motion pictures.