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Bearded man vfx breakdown
Film & TV

How Image Engine Used Nuke And Mari On Logan

Crafting a CG human: no easy feat.

Dragon comparison eagle bat
Film & TV

How Image Engine Used Nuke For Game of Thrones

Crafting the world of Westoros.

Real-Time Production Camera
Real time

Real-time production: barriers and opportunities

VFX post-production could be heading for a real-time future - but to get there, we’ll have to overcome a number of technical barriers.

Realtime and Virtual Production Filming Set
Real time

A digested guide to real-time production

Advanced pre-vis, real-time production, virtual production… what’s the difference? We take a look at some of the techniques being touted as revolutionary.

Blade Runner 2029 Designer compositing
Film & TV


Deep compositing is a groundbreaking, time-saving technique that’s firmly taken root across the film industry over the last decade. Find out why in this article.

Paddington Bear at Christmas
Film & TV

The Christmas ad wars: bringing Paddington to life for Marks & Spencer

As the big brands battle it out for the best Christmas ad this year, we catch up with Framestore about their role in bringing to life a certain marmalade-loving bear.

Boy from La Nortia
Film & TV

How La Noria Used Nuke

Post-production just got a whole lot creepier.

Cloud Technology

Q&A with Inversion: the studio going cloud native

The co-founder of digital content creation studio Inversion explains why they’ve begun shifting their entire production pipeline to the cloud.

Visual Effects Robot
Film & TV

From Russia with agility: The studio pioneering a new way of working

A look at how adopting an ‘Agile’ methodology, has impacted both business performance and company culture at Russia-based Main Road Post.

VFX in the modern age by Foundry
Film & TV

Better, faster, stronger: VFX in the modern age

A look at the way VFX studios are evolving to meet the changing needs of the industry.

Film & TV

How a crisis inspired Victor Perez to become a digital artist

Victor Perez is so well known and respected in the visual effects industry, it’s hard to imagine there was a day he wasn’t a digital artist. But this official Nuke certified trainer, regular contributor to Nukepedia and member of the Visual Effects Society has a unique story.

Deadpool on bridge
Film & TV

How Atomic Fiction Uses Katana

Creating the worlds behind Ghost in the Shell, Deadpool and The Walk.