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Angry ape
Film & TV

Discover the Deep Compositing Work For Planet Of The Apes

You ape-solutely have to see this.

Flying spaceship attack
Film & TV

Foundry 2018 | Showreel

Our customers are our heroes - here's why.

Virtual workflows

A deep dive into Virtual Production workflows

We go down the rabbit hole to find out exactly what a virtual production workflow entails - from pitch vis to to tech-vis.

Discover the future of filmmaking
Film & TV

Are you ready for the new era in filmmaking?

Over the past decade, digital technology has become the standard medium for cinematography. What can these developments of the past 10 years tell us about where VFX is headed for the future?

Meteorite in 3D
Film & TV

From Russia with Love: VFX studio CGF

We speak to Russian VFX studio CGF, who are flying the flag for the Russian VFX industry and creating impressive work on a budget.

Dragon comparison eagle bat
Film & TV

How Image Engine Used Nuke For Game of Thrones

Crafting the world of Westoros.

Blade Runner 2029 Designer compositing
Film & TV


Deep compositing is a groundbreaking, time-saving technique that’s firmly taken root across the film industry over the last decade. Find out why in this article.

Animagrad explores Katana lighting and dev tools
Film & TV


Dragon flying through sky
Film & TV

Foundry 2017 | Asia Pacific Showreel

Another year, more amazing customer work.

Boy from La Nortia
Film & TV

How La Noria Used Nuke

Post-production just got a whole lot creepier.

Visual Effects Robot
Film & TV

From Russia with agility: The studio pioneering a new way of working

A look at how adopting an ‘Agile’ methodology, has impacted both business performance and company culture at Russia-based Main Road Post.

Nuke STudio Workflow
Film & TV

管理コストの大幅な削減を実現した VFX ポストプロダクションnineteentwenty のNuke Studio 導入事例
