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Ria Benard FMX 2019
Film & TV

FMX 2019 | Ria Benard | Teaching Katana with Lost Boys

Empowering a new generation of artists.

Look and dev in 8k
Film & TV

Is your look development and lighting pipeline ready for 8K?

Find out why Katana and Mari are the only tools for look development and lighting that can deliver the goods at 8K.

Into spiderverse
Film & TV

『スパイダーマン: スパイダーバース』のルック制作(前編) - SPIにおけるKatanaとMariの活用

『スパイダーマン: スパイダーバース』のルック制作におけるソニー・ピクチャーズ・イメージワークス (SPI) の Katana と Mari の活用法についてご紹介します。

© Kim Stallknecht Photography 2018
Film & TV

Weta Digital - Katana導入でパイプラインの効率化を実現

Header image
Film & TV

Katana: becoming the ultimate digital cinematography platform

Discover how and why Katana has become the industry standard - and where the software is heading next.

Katana header
Film & TV

Katana の現在、そして未来

We take a look back at some of our best Katana customer stories from 2018, and look ahead to what’s in store for next year.

Film & TV

Animal Logic Academy: discovering the VFX stars of the future

We speak to some of the students and tutors involved in bringing short film The Color Thief to life, using Katana, as part of the first student project of 2018 at the Animal Logic Academy. Read more here!

Mahsa Ghorbankarimi
Film & TV

Katana: giving artists back time to pursue their dreams

Watch this video and find out how Katana helped make it possible for CG supervisor Mahsa Ghorbankarimi to pursue her interests outside of work.

Car rendering in 3d
Film & TV

Bottleship VFX: preparing for a more complex look development and lighting future

In this article, we catch up with Hristo Velev, founder of Bottleship VFX, to find out why Bottleship realised now was the time to future-proof their pipeline.

Cityscape at war by Cinemasphere
Film & TV

小規模スタジオの Katana 導入事例

Jakarta-based Cinemasphere explain why they integrated Katana into their pipeline - and how it’s having a big impact on ROI.

Mars space modelled and textured
Film & TV

Modelling and texturing the space rovers of Mars 1

How a small team faced a race against the clock

Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049
Film & TV

『ブレードランナー 2049 』 − アイコニックなルック制作の舞台裏

How Framestore helped craft the eerie, atmospheric aesthetic for neo-noir science fiction thriller, Blade Runner 2049.
