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Near Real-Time Header
Real time

Top three ways Near Real-Time is advancing workflows

Behind the innovative method used to create Comandante.

Important Looking Pirates logo
Real time

Q&A with Important Looking Pirates: the studio pivoting to virtual production

How Stockholm-based ILP increase the cadence of their creative process.

Lighting in Video Games with 8-bit bulb
Film & TV

Leveling up by light: a look at lighting in video games

Illuminating the watts and whys of your favourite gaming franchises.

Glowing 3D abstract imagery
Real time

Bridging the Real & Imagined

Integrating real-time workflows into modern post-production pipelines.

Abstract 3D Model Woman
Real time

Here’s what the future of previsualization looks like

50% game, 50% tool, 100% cool: how Cine Tracer is powering up a new kind of previs.

space soldiers in 3d
Real time

Meet the company transforming real-time content creation

We speak to technology company Ncam about how their system is transforming the way visual content is created in real-time.

Imaginarium 3d motion sensor
Film & TV

Making the impossible possible with virtual production at Imaginarium Studios

Imaginarium Studios is a pioneering company at the forefront of digital performance-capture. Learn about their cutting-edge production workflow here.

Jackie Chine on the phone
Real time

My real-time production philosophy: an interview with Asa Bailey

We catch up with Asa Bailey, the founder of On-Set Facilities: a tech company aiming to be the world’s leading system integrator of real-time and virtual production solutions.

Virtual reality post production example
Real time

Beyond the green screen: the dawn of virtual production technologies

What happens when some of the most creative minds in the education, research and commercial sectors get together to explore new and innovative virtual production technologies?
