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What's new in virtual production? - Header
Real time

What's new in virtual production?

The latest updates, issues and solutions around virtual production.

Near Real-Time Header
Real time

Top three ways Near Real-Time is advancing workflows

Behind the innovative method used to create Comandante.

3D inverse city scape
Real time

Virtual Production: an immersive gateway for filmmakers

Step into the world of virtual production, real-time and immersive filmmakers.

space soldiers in 3d
Real time

Meet the company transforming real-time content creation

We speak to technology company Ncam about how their system is transforming the way visual content is created in real-time.

Real time

Peeling back the layers of the virtual production onion

We look at how the disconnected stages of virtual production will become better linked together, forming a layered, virtual production ‘onion’.

Trends of 2019
Film & TV

2019年 VFX業界トレンドの方向性

We look into our crystal ball and try to predict the VFX and tech trends that will define 2019.


Nice Shoes: using VR to deepen relationships between brands and customers

We spoke to creative studio Nice Shoes about how they’re harnessing the power of immersive technologies to help brands build lasting relationships.

Disney method for adaptive light fields

Virtual worlds and adaptive light-fields: an interview with Disney Research

We speak to Kenny Mitchell, a senior research scientist for Disney Research, about his team’s work on adaptive light fields and the challenges around telling stories in VR.

Virtual workflows

A deep dive into Virtual Production workflows

We go down the rabbit hole to find out exactly what a virtual production workflow entails - from pitch vis to to tech-vis.

Jackie Chine on the phone
Real time

My real-time production philosophy: an interview with Asa Bailey

We catch up with Asa Bailey, the founder of On-Set Facilities: a tech company aiming to be the world’s leading system integrator of real-time and virtual production solutions.

Real-Time Production Camera
Real time

Real-time production: barriers and opportunities

VFX post-production could be heading for a real-time future - but to get there, we’ll have to overcome a number of technical barriers.

Realtime and Virtual Production Filming Set
Real time

A digested guide to real-time production

Advanced pre-vis, real-time production, virtual production… what’s the difference? We take a look at some of the techniques being touted as revolutionary.
