Classroom Licenses
- Discounted packages for production, VFX and 3D design
- No product limitations
- The Education Collective - our production workflow package
- Get in touch with our Education team below
Faculty Licenses
- For teachers and educators
- Get the Education Collective for the same price as students
- Includes full product versions of Nuke, Cara VR, Mari, Katana and Modo
- Education licenses may not be used on commercial projects
Online Programs
- For teachers and educators who do not qualify for our traditional Education program
- Instructors for courses on Nuke, Mari, Katana and Modo
- Apply to see if you're eligible for discounts
非商业版授权有着使用限定和限制条款,且仅供家庭使用。 因此,不能在包括学校在内的商业环境中使用。而我们的教育授权则提供了完整且非限制性的商业版本软件,这意味着学生可以轻松地在家庭和学校的机器之间传输文件,并能将工作成果一起带入行业工作之中。此外,一旦项目以非商业形式开始,由于文件加密,就不能再转到教育/商业版本中继续运用。因此,项目就需要在完整的商业版本中从头开始重新工作。 此外,Foundry的教育版授权允许学生和毕业生以商业版价格的3折优惠升级为永久版商业授权。
我们机构已拥有Production Collective 授权。怎样才能免费获得Katana?
我们可以为您提供Katana。请通过 致信我们,或与当地的Foundry代表联系,了解如何获得Katana。 请注意,我们可能需要几天时间才能向您发放Katana。
What are the home-use keys I have been issued for my students?
As the name suggests, this is a unique key that is created to allow your students to use their license at home. This key will be valid for the same duration as your school's institutional license keys, to support your students throughout their course. New annual home-use keys will be issued with your institutional license renewal each year. The home-use keys are node-locked and offer an alternative to the paid student license and first year free license. They are not a replacement to your classroom licenses and can not be installed on a classroom or lab computer.
My students applied for free licenses and were told our school has licenses to issue to them. What is this referring to?
This refers to home-use licenses which we recently introduced. We know that due to the current circumstances, many students are spending less time at school and more time working from home. We therefore wanted to make student keys more accessible to them. Students will no longer need to apply for a license individually on our website as they will now have access from you, their school. You will be issued one master key which can be distributed to your students. Please email us at to request the home-use keys for your students.
How do I obtain the home-use keys for my students?
Please email us at to request the home-use keys for your students.
My school doesn't have Foundry licenses and in the past, our students have used the "first-year free" student license. How do we get access to this?
Please email us at and we'll be happy to discuss options with you.
Need background plates for practicing VFX in Nuke?
We've partnered with to give you FREE early access to their Practice Footage Library, a database of stock footage plates that are perfect for use in the classroom or providing students with resources to update their demo reels, and a 10% off discount to use in the ActionVFX store! Get Early Access to the Practice Footage Library - Use code FOUNDRY10 for 10% off any purchase at