Foundry の教育プログラムに登録する学生および卒業生は、年間保守料金のみで商用ライセンスへのアップグレードが可能です(商用ライセンスの70%割引価格)。
Foundry の商用ライセンスは、ライセンス本体と全ての製品アップグレードを利用可能な保守メンテナンスがバンドルされています。学生・卒業生向けライセンスは、年間保守料金のみで商用ライセンスへのアップグレードが可能です。Production Collective 永久ライセンスへの アップグレード価格は $2,279 で、$8,749 の大幅割引となります。
Commercial Product | Student Price |
Production Collective | $2,589 / €1,929/ £1,809 |
Katana | $1,999 / €1,369/ £1,319 |
Nuke Studio | $2,379 / €1,739/ £1,669 |
Nuke X | $2,119 / €1,419/ £1,369 |
Nuke | $1,659 / €1,179/ £1,069 |
Mari | $475 / €345/ £334 |
Modo | $453 / €410/ £388 |
Foundry 教育プログラムで提供する Education Collectiveライセンスをお持ちの学生・卒業生の方は、上記の価格で各製品の商用ライセンスにアップグレードが可能です。アップグレードをご希望の際は、希望する製品名とともに education@foundry.com にご連絡ください。
Frequently Asked Questions
1) Is the upgrade a permanent license?
Yes, you are purchasing a permanent license. We waive the license fee and you only pay the annual maintenance.
2) How much will I have to pay for maintenance next year?
The prices above are our current rates. We will update next year with any price changes.
3) I graduated more than 6 months ago. Do I have any options?
Please email us at education@foundry.com and we can discuss options with you.
4) I don't have an education license. Can I get a discounted commercial upgrade?
No, we do require you to have a student or graduate license that was active within the last 6 months to qualify for the discounted upgrade.
5) I'm a faculty member - can I purchase a commercial upgrade?
No, faculty members do not qualify for the commercial upgrade.
6) Can I upgrade from a first-year free license?
Yes, holders of student first-year-free licenses are eligible for commercial upgrades.
7) How do I apply for the commercial upgrade?
Please email us at education@foundry.com and we will assist you with the purchase.