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VR headsets

Why the founders of London’s first VR arcade have bet on VR going places

We catch up with one of the founders of DNA VR to find out why VR arcades could be the key to unlocking VR’s future.

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Location Based Entertainment

The unexpected way VR could end up in your home

Discover how Location Based Entertainment (LBE) VR could be a vital stepping stone towards mass consumer adoption of virtual reality.

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City mirrored above another city

Mixed reality: the gateway to the mirrorworld

We explore mixed reality and how it could one day lead to the supermassive augmented reality landscape known as the ‘mirrorworld’.

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Eye tracking and Mari

This is why eye-tracking in VR is about more than foveated rendering

Discover some of the exciting applications of eye-tracking in VR.

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Crucial VR headsets

The three crucial VR headset developments you don’t want to miss

We look at some of the technological advances in VR headsets we could see in 2019.

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Human limitations and its affect on VR

Human anatomy and limited technology: the barriers to truly immersive VR

The Holy Grail in VR is to create a true sense of presence by making the viewer believe they’re truly inside the virtual world. But that’s easier said than done...

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Is enterprise the key to unlocking VR’s potential?

We spoke to the team at creative studio Nice Shoes, about how VR may find its natural home in enterprise.

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Walking in the footsteps of war survivors with virtual reality

Milica Zec and Winslow Porter, founders of the creative studio New Reality, talk about their trilogy of VR films, ‘Tree’, ‘Giant’, and ‘Breathe’.

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Courtesy of Field Lab

Ambitious Light Field Lab Aspires to Change Entertainment Forever

We talk to the team at Light Field Lab - a company developing holographic systems without the need for any headsets or accessories.

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Future of AR

Mixed reality: the future of AR devices?

We examine how it’s looking increasingly likely that the future of augmented reality devices lies with mixed reality experiences.

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Disney method for adaptive light fields

Virtual worlds and adaptive light-fields: an interview with Disney Research

We speak to Kenny Mitchell, a senior research scientist for Disney Research, about his team’s work on adaptive light fields and the challenges around telling stories in VR.

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Disney COCO Virtual Reality

Virtual reality as a social experience

We explore the rise of ‘social VR’, in which users interact with other people in virtual reality environments, rather than experiencing them alone.

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