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AR and ML Header

Working in harmony: Augmented Reality and Machine Learning

How these two big tech players are working together to create more immersive experiences.

6 min read
VR header

A round-up of the latest in VR, AR and MR

Looking at what’s new in the virtual reality sphere.

4 min read
Be transported into new virtual worlds with AR portals

Be transported into new virtual worlds with AR portals

In this article, we explore the latest augmented reality trend, AR portals, and how it can take you anywhere, from fictional worlds to outer space

min read

AR and blockchain…an unstoppable combination?

Discover how blockchain technology will play a pivotal role in protecting immersive content IP - and help monetize AR/VR.

min read
AR cloud transforming technology

How the AR Cloud will transform immersive technology

In this article, we look at how the AR Cloud will be the most significant development of all for driving AR adoption. Read more here!

min read
City mirrored above another city

Mixed reality: the gateway to the mirrorworld

We explore mixed reality and how it could one day lead to the supermassive augmented reality landscape known as the ‘mirrorworld’.

min read
Hybrid Gamma Ray

Recreating real-world color: the promise of Hybrid Log Gamma

We explore how the Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) HDR standard could hold the key to bringing immersive content into people’s homes

min read
Future of AR

Mixed reality: the future of AR devices?

We examine how it’s looking increasingly likely that the future of augmented reality devices lies with mixed reality experiences.

min read
 VR’s Eastern Promise

VR’s Eastern Promise: the growth of virtual reality in the Far East

With VR expected to generate global revenue of $74.8 billion by the year 2021, we look at how the Far East could be a catalyst for that growth.

min read
Hyperreality in the physical world

A hyperreal history: the evolution of hyperreality

We’ve discussed ‘hyperreality’ in previous articles but, while the technology enabling it is new, the word itself isn’t.

min read
Augmenting reality in the AEC industries

Augmenting reality in the AEC industries

Looking at how design visualization and virtual reality (VR) is beginning to transform the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC).

min read
FAME: film-quality augmented and mixed reality experiences

FAME: film-quality augmented and mixed reality experiences

A project to enable film-quality assets to be embedded in the environment around a viewer, to create cinematic mixed-reality experiences.

min read